Microbiome analysis using QIIME2

qiime2 workshop

2025  date(s):

April 04, 9:30am-4:30pmin person

REGISTER from calendar on Workshop page.

(It is necessary to register for each workshop separately.)

Microbiome analysis using QIIME2


This workshop will cover amplicon-based microbiome analysis using the QIIME2. This all-day workshop will consist of lectures and hands on training to analyze from raw dataset through publication-quality statistics and visualizations.


Participants are expected to have a basic knowledge of the Linux command line (bash shell) and a basic understanding of statistical methods.

The QIIME2 software will be used via line command method.

* There is a minimal set of software that should be installed on laptops BEFORE attending the workshop. Instructions will be provided to attendees prior to the workshop and can be found within the PDF document:Preparation for Linux-based workshop  (May open in new TAB or new window, or download directly, depending on your browser settings.)

Fee: $275 in person / seat.
REGISTER from calendar on Workshop page.

Eliot Stanton, Ph.D., Bioinformatician, Bioinformatics Resource Center, Biotechnology Center

Previous instructors:
Sailendharan Sudakaran, Ph.D., Madison Microbiome Hub Manager / Multi Omics Hub Coordinator

*No-show Policy*
All cancellations need to be notified 72 hours in advance.