ChIP-seq Analysis with R

2019 Summer dates:

July  30 – 9am – 4pm

Location: Genetics/Biotech 425 Henry Mall Madison, WI 53706

LIMITED TO: 5 to 6  participants – (2 minimum)

REGISTER: use Google Calendar link on chosen date to register (opens in new TAB or new window.)
It is necessary to register for each workshop separately.
– Printed original exercise book: 
if registration is less than 1 week a photocopy version may be substituted.

– Prior experience with software R; (acquaintance with Rstudio useful.)

Recommended prior knowledge:
– Some proficiency in bash shell commands is more than useful
ChIP-Seq linux-based workshop


This workshop will use R- based software to analyze ChIP-Seq data, and therefore will be different than the Linux-based workshop previously offered. R packages will include at least MOSAICS.

The workshop will be heavily hands-on.

* There is a minimal set of software that should be installed on laptops BEFORE attending the workshop. Instructions will be provided to attendees prior to the workshop and can be found within the PDF document: Preparation for R-based workshop

Fee: $190 / seat

Jean-Yves Sgro,  Ph.D., Biotech Center

Previous instructor(s):

*No-show Policy*

All cancellation need to be notified 72 hours in advance.